Friday, April 3, 2009

The dance

Remember the first time we met ? all it took was nothing but a fleeting glance... then you all but took my breath away, never had i seen anyone so confident, warm, funny... your eyes... oh yes your eyes.. captivating yet so sexy.

Took me a while to let your hand go, kind as you are, you gave me a reassuring smile, i later wondered what you thought of my indignity, to yearn so obviously with no shame. But you must have understood that in that moment i could not have helped myself.

Then the dance began. Oh the dance...

We would linger hours on end talking of sweet nothings on the phone, a day would not go by without talking to you.

A date meant so much.. what am i going to wear, oh i had to impress no doubt, clean up really good, out the door in a hurry not to be late, tear back into the house for another quick dash of the cologne, overload obviously.. but who cared.

You would keep me waiting, not to long.. but enough to to rattle me. The anticipation... beyond words.

Then you would turn up, each time would seem like the very first time i saw you. Kiss on the chick and off we would wonder hand in hand without a care in the world.

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