Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ever Wonder

The other day i walked into the bank. While waiting in line, a lady in front of me had a little boy with her, around four years old.

Standing in line waiting is never any ones cup of tea, but boy did the little guy make the best of it.

I mean running from one end of the bank to the next. Laying down and breaking into nursery rhymes... the lot.

The mom did not seem to mind her tear away amusing himself and frankly everyone else seemed amused by the antics of the little one.

It got me thinking. What if it had been one of the adults standing in line that decided to run amok in the bank... hmmmm

Sirens galore and off to the nut house in a New York minute... is what would happen.

At what point does society decide to take away the free pass of childhood antics.

Did we all collectively sign some agreement at some point ?

Childhood,,,,,, what a gig.

Every waking day i look into my sons eyes... an angel looks right back at me..

My calling is to nurture and protect that innocence... for that's what life is all about.

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